DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral & Aerobotics Aeroview® Package

Aerobotics SKU: DJI-M3M-AERO-1YR

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From scanning to processing, this bundle provides a comprehensive solution for precision farming. The new multispectral imagery available from the Mavic 3 Multispectral's upgraded camera system together with Aeroview® enables farm analytics to visualize crop growth with total clarity. When uploaded to Aeroview®, the data and tools that become available can positively impact yield production for seasons to come.


The Aeroview® web-based platform is your centralized hub for farming with a range of tools and insights to optimize agricultural operations. From farm digitization to data analysis, Aeroview® offers comprehensive, end-to-end functionality. Farmers and their teams have access to plant-level insights and a suite of features to take timely and informed action, as well as reports for critical in-season and harvest decisions.

Aeroview® package includes:

Aeroview Package Overview

Performance Map Layers

High Resolution Maps

High Resolution Maps

Very high-resolution visual, near-infrared, red-edge and thermal data is collected by drone and processed into map layers.Elevation/Drainage Profiles

Elevation/Drainage Profiles

Using photogrammetry, Aerobotics can reconstruct the digital terrain model of the orchard, and determine the elevation and drainage profiles. This is critical information for irrigation and drainage management.DJI-M3M-+-Aeroview-Bundle--Tree-counts.jpg

Zonal Map Layers

Aerobotics’ plant metrics are aggregated into zones to show variation across the full farm and within individual blocks for health, vigor and canopy area. The zonal performance maps can be downloaded for input into variable rate application equipment.Zonal Map Layers

Tree physical parameters

Each tree’s canopy area is segmented and measured. Canopy area variation and change over time is reported on to determine the need or impact of farming practices (e.g. pruning). The measurement of canopy development (biomass accumulation) is an important input into Carbon Farming practices.

Platform Features

Compare Layers and Dates

Compare layers and dates

Send Snapshots to Team

Send snapshots to team

Assign and Manage TasksAssign and Manage Tasks

Spatially Visualize Scout FindingsSpatially visualize scout findings

Weekly Satellite Data Weekly satellite data

InField App

Set up field boundaries

Set up field boundaries

View map layers in app

View map layers in app

Assign and manage tasks

Assign and manage tasks

Assign and manage tasks

Geo-referenced scouting


How it Works

1. Farm digitization

Create an account on Aeroview® , locate your farm, and draw your block boundaries.

2. Aerial surveying

Scan your farm and collect images using the DJI Mavic 3M.

3. Upload

Upload your imagery to Aeroview®, easily and at your convenience.

4. Processing

Aeroview® produces high quality maps for all indices from the collected imagery, and uses those maps in an AI system to produce per plant information. Data goes through rigorous QC to ensure results are accurate and actionable. Standard SLA for processing is 5 days from upload to platform-ready data.

5. Analysis

Use the processed plant, block and farm level insights in Aeroview® to visualize and understand your crop growth and plant stress.Aerial surveying

6. Action

Share crop insights with all stakeholders and manage infield actions using Aeroview® ’s tools for collaboration. Take Aeroview ® InField into the field to report on findings.

7. Results

Fly again to track the effectiveness of actions and interventions. Assess crop growth over time and ensure yields are reaching the desired outcome.

Why choose Aeroview® to process your Mavic 3M data?

1. Precision farming platform

Aeroview® and the Aeroview® InField mobile app are purposefully designed for agriculture. The Aerobotics suite of tools is finely tuned to cater to the unique needs of crop farming, providing specialized insights that drive your farm’s success. Take a look at Aeroview® InField for iOS and Android.

With Aeroview®, you gain access to a hub of information about your farm’s performance. From detailed inventory reports to zonal maps that highlight specific areas of interest, and even per-tree metrics for tree crops, you’ll have all the data you need to make informed decisions and maximize your yields.

2. Unlimited users and sharing

Collaboration is key to successful farming. That’s why we enable you to invite unlimited users to your Aeroview® account. On the platform, you can share valuable insights, analyses, and action plans with your team, partners, and stakeholders. The entire operation and the teams involved can be managed in one place, ensuring everyone is on the same page to achieve the best results.

3. World-class uploader

Syncing your digitized farms and blocks with Aeroview® is seamless. You can easily visualize your uploaded images directly over the blocks in your Aeroview® account. The user-friendly interface makes it simple to select the blocks you want to upload and see which ones have enough imagery coverage.

Uploading imagery is flexible to meet your schedule and needs. When uploading imagery, you can pause, restart and start uploading again later. Better yet, Aeroview’s uploader is a powerhouse. It can handle terabytes of imagery in a single upload, so you can upload as much as you want without any concern.

Use Cases

Aerobotics has built a platform to drive yield-improving action, rather than just providing datasets. Some of the operational tasks our customers perform include the areas below.



Included in Package

Tree inventory management Tree replant programs and budgeting based on missing trees by variety. Included
Enhanced nutrition programs Targeted soil and leaf sampling locations based on tree health. Variable rate fertilizer maps can be generated and sent to spreaders. Included
Irrigation system monitoring Logging of irrigation system performance with assigned tasks and geo-referenced scouting. Comparisons of elevation with tree performance can reveal drainage issues. Included
Pest and disease scouting Logging of geo-referenced pest and disease incidences in the field. Share pictures and notes of scout findings with the team and external consultants. Included
Yield correlation Yield harvest map (3rd party) correlation with tree performance to identify severity of risks. Included
In-field task allocation Tasks can be allocated from Aeroview ® to managers and scouts out in the field or assigned directly from the app. Included
Crop performance tracking Annual comparisons of data at the same phenological stage to track impact of farm practices. Included
Pest & disease monitoring Trap count readings, disease tracking, entering of insect numbers before and after applications. Intuitive exportable reporting in Aeroview ® . Available as an additional module
AI-enabled fruit sizing Fruit size distributions and growth tracking within orchards and across farms throughout the season. Available as an additional module



From scanning to processing, this bundle provides a comprehensive solution for precision farming. The new multispectral imagery available from the Mavic 3 Multispectral's upgraded camera system together with Aeroview® enables farm analytics to visualize crop growth with total clarity. When uploaded to Aeroview®, the data and tools that become available can positively impact yield production for seasons to come.


The Aeroview® web-based platform is your centralized hub for farming with a range of tools and insights to optimize agricultural operations. From farm digitization to data analysis, Aeroview® offers comprehensive, end-to-end functionality. Farmers and their teams have access to plant-level insights and a suite of features to take timely and informed action, as well as reports for critical in-season and harvest decisions.

Aeroview® package includes:

Aeroview Package Overview

Performance Map Layers

High Resolution Maps

High Resolution Maps

Very high-resolution visual, near-infrared, red-edge and thermal data is collected by drone and processed into map layers.Elevation/Drainage Profiles

Elevation/Drainage Profiles

Using photogrammetry, Aerobotics can reconstruct the digital terrain model of the orchard, and determine the elevation and drainage profiles. This is critical information for irrigation and drainage management.DJI-M3M-+-Aeroview-Bundle--Tree-counts.jpg

Zonal Map Layers

Aerobotics’ plant metrics are aggregated into zones to show variation across the full farm and within individual blocks for health, vigor and canopy area. The zonal performance maps can be downloaded for input into variable rate application equipment.Zonal Map Layers

Tree physical parameters

Each tree’s canopy area is segmented and measured. Canopy area variation and change over time is reported on to determine the need or impact of farming practices (e.g. pruning). The measurement of canopy development (biomass accumulation) is an important input into Carbon Farming practices.

Platform Features

Compare Layers and Dates

Compare layers and dates

Send Snapshots to Team

Send snapshots to team

Assign and Manage TasksAssign and Manage Tasks

Spatially Visualize Scout FindingsSpatially visualize scout findings

Weekly Satellite Data Weekly satellite data

InField App

Set up field boundaries

Set up field boundaries

View map layers in app

View map layers in app

Assign and manage tasks

Assign and manage tasks

Assign and manage tasks

Geo-referenced scouting


How it Works

1. Farm digitization

Create an account on Aeroview® , locate your farm, and draw your block boundaries.

2. Aerial surveying

Scan your farm and collect images using the DJI Mavic 3M.

3. Upload

Upload your imagery to Aeroview®, easily and at your convenience.

4. Processing

Aeroview® produces high quality maps for all indices from the collected imagery, and uses those maps in an AI system to produce per plant information. Data goes through rigorous QC to ensure results are accurate and actionable. Standard SLA for processing is 5 days from upload to platform-ready data.

5. Analysis

Use the processed plant, block and farm level insights in Aeroview® to visualize and understand your crop growth and plant stress.Aerial surveying

6. Action

Share crop insights with all stakeholders and manage infield actions using Aeroview® ’s tools for collaboration. Take Aeroview ® InField into the field to report on findings.

7. Results

Fly again to track the effectiveness of actions and interventions. Assess crop growth over time and ensure yields are reaching the desired outcome.

Why choose Aeroview® to process your Mavic 3M data?

1. Precision farming platform

Aeroview® and the Aeroview® InField mobile app are purposefully designed for agriculture. The Aerobotics suite of tools is finely tuned to cater to the unique needs of crop farming, providing specialized insights that drive your farm’s success. Take a look at Aeroview® InField for iOS and Android.

With Aeroview®, you gain access to a hub of information about your farm’s performance. From detailed inventory reports to zonal maps that highlight specific areas of interest, and even per-tree metrics for tree crops, you’ll have all the data you need to make informed decisions and maximize your yields.

2. Unlimited users and sharing

Collaboration is key to successful farming. That’s why we enable you to invite unlimited users to your Aeroview® account. On the platform, you can share valuable insights, analyses, and action plans with your team, partners, and stakeholders. The entire operation and the teams involved can be managed in one place, ensuring everyone is on the same page to achieve the best results.

3. World-class uploader

Syncing your digitized farms and blocks with Aeroview® is seamless. You can easily visualize your uploaded images directly over the blocks in your Aeroview® account. The user-friendly interface makes it simple to select the blocks you want to upload and see which ones have enough imagery coverage.

Uploading imagery is flexible to meet your schedule and needs. When uploading imagery, you can pause, restart and start uploading again later. Better yet, Aeroview’s uploader is a powerhouse. It can handle terabytes of imagery in a single upload, so you can upload as much as you want without any concern.

Use Cases

Aerobotics has built a platform to drive yield-improving action, rather than just providing datasets. Some of the operational tasks our customers perform include the areas below.



Included in Package

Tree inventory management Tree replant programs and budgeting based on missing trees by variety. Included
Enhanced nutrition programs Targeted soil and leaf sampling locations based on tree health. Variable rate fertilizer maps can be generated and sent to spreaders. Included
Irrigation system monitoring Logging of irrigation system performance with assigned tasks and geo-referenced scouting. Comparisons of elevation with tree performance can reveal drainage issues. Included
Pest and disease scouting Logging of geo-referenced pest and disease incidences in the field. Share pictures and notes of scout findings with the team and external consultants. Included
Yield correlation Yield harvest map (3rd party) correlation with tree performance to identify severity of risks. Included
In-field task allocation Tasks can be allocated from Aeroview ® to managers and scouts out in the field or assigned directly from the app. Included
Crop performance tracking Annual comparisons of data at the same phenological stage to track impact of farm practices. Included
Pest & disease monitoring Trap count readings, disease tracking, entering of insect numbers before and after applications. Intuitive exportable reporting in Aeroview ® . Available as an additional module
AI-enabled fruit sizing Fruit size distributions and growth tracking within orchards and across farms throughout the season. Available as an additional module


(1) DJI Mavic 3M Aircraft with RTK Module & SD Card (1)
(1) RC Pro Enterprise Smart Controller
(1) Mavic 3 Intelligent Flight Battery
(3) Mavic 3 Enterprise Propellers (Pairs)
(1) RTK Module
(1) Charger
(1) Power Cable
(1) USB-C Cable
(1) USB-C to USB-C Cable
(1) Protector Case
(1) Screwdriver
(1) Manual
(1) Aeroview® Software

Does the M3M kit include an RTK Module?
Yes, an RTK Module is included in with this purchase.

What is the maximum amount of acres that can be flown on one flight?
If flown at 400', it is possible to cover just under 500-acres.

Are both the RGB and multispectral cameras mechanical shutter?
Yes, both cameras have a mechanical shutter, which is preferred for mapping purposes.

What bands are make up the multispectral camera?
There are four bands: Red (R), Green (G), Red Edge (RE), and Near-infrared (NIR).

Are lighting conditions recorded in the metadata of the multispectral images?
Yes, with the built-in sunlight sensor, solar irradiance is recorded within the metadata of each multispectral image.  This is essential for data processing and the generation of accurate vegetation indices.

What is Aeroview®?
Aeroview® is a powerful web-based platform developed by Aerobotics, specifically designed for farmers. It serves as a central hub where farmers can access various tools and insights to optimize their agricultural operations. Aeroview® is the farm digitization and data analysis platform which houses tree-level and plant-level insights, tools and reports to enable growers to make in-season and harvest decisions.

What crops does Aerobotics support?
Yield Insights currently support citrus, apples, cherries, nectarines, peaches, pomegranates, plums, table grapes and wine grape. Tree Insights is available for citrus, berries, nuts, pome, stone, grapes, subtropical fruit and olives and pomegranates.

How do I download Aerobotics’s mobile app?
Aeroview® InField, is available for download on the App Store and Google Play Store.

When is the best time to fly?
The timing of drone flights will differ depending on the crop type. Aerobotics generally recommend 1-3 critically timed flights throughout the season and during a 6-hour time period during the day.

Can Aerobotics fly over nets?
Aerobotics can work with farms covered by shade netting if they meet the requirements for high-quality imagery. Get in touch with their team to find out more.

What is the imagery resolution?
Resolution refers to the size an object or detail can be represented in an image and higher resolution means that the pixels are smaller, providing more detail. This gives you an in-depth view of your farm.

When will my insights be ready?
For serviced flights, you will be able to view your Tree Insights within 4 to 7 days after your data has been flown and for self-serviced flights, 3 to 7 days from when the upload is completed.

The time it takes to receive your insights depends on various factors such as the amount of hectares/acres flown, crop type, and, in the case of a serviced flight, internet speeds during data upload post-flight.

You can check the progress of your data on the Aeroview® platform.

What is the imagery resolution?
Resolution refers to the size an object or detail can be represented in an image and higher resolution means that the pixels are smaller, providing more detail. This gives you an in-depth view of your farm.

When will my insights be ready?
For serviced flights, you will be able to view your Tree Insights within 4 to 7 days after your data has been flown and for self-serviced flights, 3 to 7 days from when the upload is completed.

The time it takes to receive your insights depends on various factors such as the amount of hectares/acres flown, crop type, and, in the case of a serviced flight, internet speeds during data upload post-flight.

You can check the progress of your data on the Aeroview® platform.

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