DJI Matrice 4 Series Carrying Case Strap


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UPC: 190021131804 EAN: 6937224106345

Make transporting your Matrice 4 Series drone more convenient with the DJI Matrice 4 Series Carrying Case Strap. Designed to attach securely to the DJI hard case, this durable strap helps distribute weight evenly across your shoulder for a more comfortable carry. Whether you’re traveling between job sites or navigating tight spaces, the strap’s adjustable length and rugged construction ensure a hassle-free experience. Keep your hands free for other gear, and trust DJI’s engineering to protect your equipment as you move confidently from one flight to the next.

Make transporting your Matrice 4 Series drone more convenient with the DJI Matrice 4 Series Carrying Case Strap. Designed to attach securely to the DJI hard case, this durable strap helps distribute weight evenly across your shoulder for a more comfortable carry. Whether you’re traveling between job sites or navigating tight spaces, the strap’s adjustable length and rugged construction ensure a hassle-free experience. Keep your hands free for other gear, and trust DJI’s engineering to protect your equipment as you move confidently from one flight to the next.

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